I've got some webservices under Axis 1.3 and others with Axis 2 on the same Tomcat instance.
I developped a unique java client that calls these webservices functions.
This works fine if there is no proxy.
When I call behind a proxy, Axis 1.3 services work fine because I put the right info in the environment variables in the command line (java  -Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyHost=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx -Dhttp.proxyPort=xxxx -Dhttp.proxyUser=xxxxx -Dhttp.proxyPassword=xxxx  -jar "MyClient.jar").
I do not understand why there's a timeout with Axis 2 services only (the env. var. are available also for the axis 2 calls). I monitored the server and there is no activity nor in its associated modem-router. I suspect that the proxy near my client blocks, but how can it do because the same port is used for both axis webservices.
Can someone experienced the same or help me to see clearly the reason?
Thanks in advance.

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