You may define a particular element only once in a schema, so if the
element is used in multiple places, you must define it as a global and
reference it from the various types that use it. (Only global elements
can be referenced.) Or perhaps you want to allow the element to be
used both as a root element and as a child element in another element.

Here's an example:

<s:element name="foo" type="s:string"/>
<s:element name="foobar" type="tns:foobarType"/>
<s:complexType name="foobarType">
      <s:element ref="tns:foo"/>
      <s:element name="bar" type="s:string"/>


On 10/15/06, Kedar, Shahar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Can someone explain to me when and where the {ref} attribute should be used
inside an XML schema? Also, is it valid for an {element} to refer to a
different {element} and not a {type}?



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