We need the WSDL to help you.

On 10/23/06, D. Kreft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm stuck and endless googling is leading me to no success.

I'm trying to use Perl's SOAP::Lite to talk to an Axis web service.
I've got a new method that I want to add to my service implementation
that accepts an object as its sole argument, and what I need to do is
instantiate that object on the client, but I can't figure out how to
make it all happen.

Here's the relevant service method:

    public void testTakeRequest(Request request) {
        System.out.println("Request: " + request);

And the snippet from the deploy.wsdd:

    <beanMapping qname="pbqs:Request"


Here's the entirety of the Perl client:

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);

    use SOAP::Lite (dispatch_from => 'Request',
                    uri           => 'urn:Request',
                    proxy         => $ENV{'PBQS_PROXY_URL'},
                    trace         => 'debug');

    my $r = Request->new();


    print Dumper($r);

But the problem is that I'm getting "No such operation 'new'" errors.
I can't figure out if I've got problems
with my namespace or what.

Here's how my request gets serialized:

    Accept: text/xml
    Accept: multipart/*
    Accept: application/soap
    Content-Length: 436
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    SOAPAction: "http://packagebuild.company.com/Request#new";

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope
xmlns="http://packagebuild.company.com/Request"; xsi:nil="true"

I'm not sure if including the full body of my Axis-generated WSDL is
going to help, so I'll refrain from
posting that here until/unless someone asks for it.

BTW, if you're wondering why I don't e-mail the SOAP::Lite developer's
list, it's because that list appears to be pretty
much dead for all intents and purposes, so I'm hoping that one of you
might have a clue what I'm doing wrong
(other than using Perl--can't do anything about that given the huge
mass of legacy code with which I'm trying
to integrate).


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