I have created JIRA AXIS2-1703  for this issue. I couldn't figure out
how to assign it to you though.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eran Chinthaka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2006 10:20 AM
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Re: null AxisFault reason

Hi Gul,

Can you please create a JIRA issue from this and assigned to me. Will
fix this after 1.1


Gul Onural wrote:
> I am using following AxisFault constructor in Axis2  :
> * public * AxisFault(QName faultCode, String faultReason, String 
> faultNode, String faultRole, OMElement faultDetail);
> And throwing AxisFault with following code on the Server side :
> * throw * * new * AxisFault( * new * QName( "myQname" ),
"myFaultReason" ,
>                     "myFaultNode" , "myFaultRole" , response);
> On the client side reason seems to be NULL (printing using getReason 
> on AxisFault).
> Any ideas why reason is null ?
> Fault Code : { http://ws.apache.org/namespaces/axis2}myQname
> <http://ws.apache.org/namespaces/axis2}myQname>
> Message : myFaultReason
> Reason : null
> FaultNode : null
> Cause : null
> Role : null
> Soap Message :
> ============
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <soapenv:Envelope 
> xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
>   <soapenv:Header />
>   <soapenv:Body>
>     <soapenv:Fault
>       <faultcode>axis2:myQname</faultcode>
>       <faultstring>myFaultReason</faultstring>
>       <detail>
>             ...
>       </detail>
>     </soapenv:Fault>
>   </soapenv:Body>
> </soapenv:Envelope>

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