
Please switch to Axis2. There is no plan for a Axis/Java 1.5. Am
willing to help get your XSD's working with Axis2's ADB data binding
if you run into trouble.


On 11/27/06, Frederick N. Brier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Axis 1.4 (Java) shipped April 22, this year.  Is the 1.x branch still an
active project?  I know there is a completely new Axis 2.x.  Is an Axis
1.5 (Java) version planned?

The reason I am asking is that I am in the midst of trying to make Axis
1.4 (Java) try to handle some complicated XSDs (OpenGIS) and running
into a large number of bugs, some of which have apparently been around
for years.  I have made changes to the source on a bunch of these.  Are
there active maintainers of 1.x that would apply patches if I created
them?  One or two would need a little more work to be more robust.  I
would need to check out the 1.4 source, apply my changes, and create
sets of patches.  It is a fair bit of work, but if someone will apply
the patches, I will do it.  Thank you.


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