I'm trying to write the WSDL for an already existing web service that
requires including two elements as children of the Body element. The web
service uses SOAP and expects the request's body in the form
<soap:Body><ElementA xmlns="mynamespace">content</ElementA><ElementB

As I'm using Axis on the client side, I'd like to know what
Axis-compatible construction I can use to generate the above message.
I have tried many options with Axis 1.4 and Axis2 1.1, to no avail. The
best I could achieve was to have both elements inside a wrapper element,
but the web service rejects that. I'd like to start moving my codebase
to Axis2 now that 1.1 seems to be able to handle my other WDSLs
correctly, but I'm still using Axis 1.4 at the moment, so either is fine
with me.

In case you were wondering the server is using .Net and there's no way I
can have them change the definition. The WSDL itself is simply not
available, so I can't work from there either.

Thanks in advance,
Javier Kohen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: blashyrkh #2361802

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