Hi Sanjiva!

What do you want to mean with "use XML schema" ??
Do you think that exist another way to binding 2D arrays ?
Is there something to do on wsdl definition ?

...another issue:
I Know the existence of SOAP-ENC namespace

some examples reporting the following definition type using soapenc:

<complexType name="ArrayOfString">
      <restriction base="soapenc:Array">
         <attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType"

I'm never seen an example that using 2D array type (for example a definition 
like: wsdl:arrayType="string[][]") and I don't know it's possible...
anyway, I'm never used this approach to defining my services, I simply create 
the java service class and after I use the codegenerator to create the wsdl.

That's all


> What you're referring to is SOAP Encoding arrays (from SOAP 1.1). We do
> not support this yet in Axis2 and, at least from my perspective, its low
> priority because its a deprecated usage of SOAP (per WS-I Basic Profile
> and also SOAP 1.2).
> The better way is to use XML Schema to define the shape of the data you
> want to send.
> Is that not an option?
> We of course welcome a patch on adding support for SOAP Encoding style
> arrays!
> Sanjiva.

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