When I register just one handler under the <responseFlow> section of the server-config.wsdd file, it runs but does not seem to see the entire message. Specifically, it looks like some parts of it are not yet SOAP elements.

When trying to do some metrics on the size of the message in this handler, I wanted to just traverse the tree, counting elements and summing bytes using the SAAJ API. In order to traverse the tree, I check to see if the next element in the list is a SOAPElement. If so, I simply recursively call the method that does traversal.

The problem I have, like I said, is that some of the message that I would expect to be SOAPElements at this point are not. They are instead the same types that were generated using WSDL2Java and populated in my business logic.

It gets really weird when I add a response handler before the one described above. Doing so, even using a handler that effectively does nothing causes the elements in my message that were not SOAPElements now are.

This is fine, because it is how I intend to run the web service anyway, but I would like to know why this happens before I deploy it for real and call it production-grade code. Is there any reason why adding a handler before one that traverses the message tree should change the contents of MessageContext?

Thank you


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