Thanks a million Paul, I will check it out and let you know my progress.

Paul Fremantle wrote:
> Hi
> I took your WSDL and ran it through the Eclipse WSDL validator and it
> found a number of bugs. I'm suprised because this WSDL looks like it
> was generated by Axis2. Did you hand edit it after?
> The main problems were namespace problems. I'm not exactly sure what
> you were aiming at for namespaces, but this attached WSDL is now
> valid.
> I then ran this fixed WSDL through WSDL2Java. I know you aren't using
> databinding, but if you pass the "no databinding" option (wsdl2java -d
> none), you get something pretty useful.
> This is the command I used:
> \axis2-1.1\bin\wsdl2java.bat -d none -uri confirmProcess.wsdl -ss -sd -o 
> outdir
> [Please note that the build file generated in this case is wrong - see
>, so I fixed it up by
> hand].
> I think this made me realize what your problem is. You have no actual
> message (the message is empty), so the result is that its looking for
> a method:
> public void processConfirmation()
> It looks like the error message you were getting is misleading.
> AxisFault Cause: ServiceClass does not implement required method of the form
> OMElement processConfirmation(OMElement e)
> It depends if you think void processConfirmation() is of the "form" above! :-)
> Anyway, when I build the skeleton and deployed it I could see the WSDL
> and it seemed to work. I've posted the (already built) code-genned
> directory and the fixed up WSDL  here:
> (I can't attach files to this mailing list).
> Paul
> On 12/28/06, schalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Paul,
>> Here is the services.xml
>> <service name="ConfirmationProcessService" scope="application">
>>     <description>Order processing web service. Currently implemented for
>> Engen.</description>
>>     <parameter
>>     <operation name="processConfirmation">
>>         <messageReceiver
>> class="org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver" />
>>         <actionMapping>urn:processConfirmation</actionMapping>
>>     </operation>
>> </service>
>> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap12="";
>>     xmlns:http="";
>>     xmlns:mime="";
>>     xmlns:types="http://localhost:8080/cxws/types";
>>     xmlns:ns="http://localhost:8080/cxws/services/ConfirmationProcessService";
>>     xmlns:soap="";
>>     xmlns:wsdl="";
>>     targetNamespace="";>
>>     <wsdl:types />
>>     <wsdl:message name="processConfirmationMessage" />
>>     <wsdl:portType name="ConfirmationProcessServicePortType">
>>         <wsdl:operation name="processConfirmation">
>>             <wsdl:input message="ns:processConfirmationMessage" />
>>         </wsdl:operation>
>>     </wsdl:portType>
>>     <wsdl:binding name="ConfirmationProcessServiceSOAP11Binding"
>>         type="ns:ConfirmationProcessServicePortType">
>>         <soap:binding transport="";
>>             style="document" />
>>         <wsdl:operation name="processConfirmation">
>>             <soap:operation soapAction="urn:processConfirmation"
>> style="document" />
>>             <wsdl:input>
>>                 <soap:body use="literal"
>> namespace="http://localhost:8080/cxws/services/ConfirmationProcessService"; />
>>             </wsdl:input>
>>         </wsdl:operation>
>>     </wsdl:binding>
>>     <wsdl:binding name="ConfirmationProcessServiceSOAP12Binding"
>> type="ns:ConfirmationProcessServicePortType">
>>         <soap12:binding transport="";
>> style="document" />
>>         <wsdl:operation name="processConfirmation">
>>             <soap12:operation soapAction="urn:processConfirmation"
>> style="document" />
>>             <wsdl:input>
>>                 <soap12:body use="literal"
>> namespace="http://localhost:8080/cxws/services/ConfirmationProcessService"; />
>>             </wsdl:input>
>>         </wsdl:operation>
>>     </wsdl:binding>
>>     <wsdl:service name="ConfirmationProcessService">
>>         <wsdl:port name="ConfirmationProcessServiceSOAP11port"
>>             binding="ns:ConfirmationProcessServiceSOAP11Binding">
>>             <soap:address
>> location="http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/ConfirmationProcessService"; />
>>         </wsdl:port>
>>         <wsdl:port name="ConfirmationProcessServiceSOAP12port"
>>             binding="ns:ConfirmationProcessServiceSOAP12Binding">
>>             <soap12:address
>> location="http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/ConfirmationProcessService"; />
>>         </wsdl:port>
>>     </wsdl:service>
>> </wsdl:definitions>
>> -- 
>> Open WebMail Project (
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> -- 
> Paul Fremantle
> VP/Technology, WSO2 and OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair
> "Oxygenating the Web Service Platform",

Open WebMail Project (

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