Hi Frank;
Have you gone through the Axis2 User Guide? I think it would give you more
insight into Axis2. Please find some of my humble thoughts bellow.

> Hi, All,
> I have a general question about tomcat and AXIS. Is
> there any relation or execlusion between the two?

Not that I know of. You can deploy the axis2.war on any other servlet
container (eg.Geronimo) & work as you would work on Tomcat. But there can
be some version compatibility issues.But it works with geronimo for sure.

> I am currently starting to work on a web service
> application which the web server is hosted on TOMCAT
> and the client is using AXIS to parse WSDL and making
> SOAP/http calls et cetera. My web service application
> basically intends to expose some functionalities of
> another application through web serivce (so there is a
> server component), it also try to use thrid party web
> services to integrate with my other applications's
> functionality (so there is a client component).
> The server side is really simple from architectural point
> of view, it basically just a servlet respoding to
> SOAP/http calls (like publish WSDL and handling
> operations as defined in the generated WSDL).
> Now I am trying to expand and enhance the web service
> application, but as a web service novice, I would like
> to seek some expert advices here.
> (1) Can I use AXIS on the server side? can AXIS
> replace the servlet?

Yes you can. Are you using this servlet to anything other than serving
SOAP calls?

> (2) On the client side, currently I am just able to
> make SOAP/http calls. I know AXIS2 offers lots of new
> features. Which of those are more important than
> others from web service perspective? I am trying to
> enhance my web service client so that I can better
> consume third party web services like Google adwords
> et cetera.

Generate stubs for these web services (eg.Google adwords) using Axis2
wsdl2java tool & you can access these services through those stubs.

> (3) Is there such a thing called platform web service?
> What are the essential features of it? Maybe I am
> asking wrong question here, but I am trying to
> understand what I can do to enhance my server side
> compoent, which currently is just a servlet
> structually.
> Well, enough for now, any feedback is really
> appreciated.
> Thanks much in advance.
> Frank
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