On Sun, 2007-01-14 at 16:39 +0800, falom wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> How can i in axis2 client code, before calling the operation,  set:
> http://server.com/axis2/services/serviceName/opName1
> http://server.com/axis2/services/serviceName/opName2

See http://wso2.org/library/290 and look at options.setTo().

> using option or other ways? Also does WSDL allow operations to be
> defined with different URL?

With WSDL 1.1 this is not possible unfortunately. WSDL 2.0 allows this-
see whttp:location that can be added to any SOAP binding on an
operation-by-operation basis.

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation; http://www.opensource.lk/
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.; http://www.wso2.com/
Director; Open Source Initiative; http://www.opensource.org/
Member; Apache Software Foundation; http://www.apache.org/
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa; http://www.cse.mrt.ac.lk/

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