
 I'm trying to expose an existing service as a Web service. I've got few
queries regarding the process involved in doing so and about custom
exception mapping with JiBX. 

1. I generated the bindings (JiBX) and the schema for the classes
involved. The recommended procedure of creating a wsdl is to have an
abstract wsdl that defines the messages and then a concrete wsdl that
defines the bindings and the services. Is there a automated process to
go from the xsd and the Java class to generating the wsdl's? I had to
hand-code/edit the wsdl created using java2wsdl command. Is there any
tool that takes in the schema generated as a parameter and uses that to
automatically generate the wsdl? How do people go about devising means
to generate abstract and concrete wsdl's?

2. I'm trying to expose an operation that defines a custom exception.
The custom exception basically extends from java.lang.Exception and uses
exception chaining. I understand that I need to define a mapping for the
custom exception class. I try to create the binding and the schema using
the JiBX generator tools, but there is some problem or the other with
respect to java.lang.StackTraceElement. It does not have a no-argument
constructor or the schema definitions for java.lang.Throwable is not
properly created. This is something that people here must have
encountered. Can someone pin-point the right approach or if i'm going
wrong here. I'd like to know if people write their own
serializers/deserializers for mapping custom exceptions?

Appreciate the help in advance!!


Vedha Vijayan
Senior Software Engineer
Comergent Technologies Inc.
Ph:  650 232 5833
Fax: 650 232 6010

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