Neither. It looks to me as if you haven't configured your database
properly in jUDDI. It can't find your JDBC data source.

I suggest you consult the jUDDI discussion list for help setting up jUDDI.


On 1/17/07, Jiang Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all
I am having a project that require to retrieve service from private UDDI 
registry. Currently i am using Geronimo server + AXIS2 + jUDDI v09rc4.

From the jUDDI's configuration page, there are errors:
jUDDI Dependencies: Resource & Properties Files

Looking for: log4j.xml
-Not Found

jUDDI DataSource Validation

+ Got a JNDI Context!
- No 'java:comp/env/jdbc/juddiDB' DataSource Located(jdbc/juddiDB)
- DB connection was not aquired. (null)

Also with my simple UDDI registry client, errors are:
- Unable to find required classes (javax.activation.DataHandler and 
javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart). Attachment support is disabled.

        at org.uddi4j.UDDIElement.<init>(
        at org.uddi4j.response.AuthToken.<init>(
        at org.uddi4j.client.UDDIProxy.get_authToken(
        at Client.main(

Is that the problem with my jUDDI and geronimo or the problem with jUDDI and 

Jiang Liu
Student Number: 3075163
CS/Yallara Name: ljiang

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