
Abstract types and substitution groups seem not to be well supported
in most web service machinery.  Even if you find a supporting
platform, there may be interoperability problems if clients use other

That's interesting. I wasn't aware of that.

You might have an easier time getting something like this
to work:

<element name="sequence" type="tns:Workflow"/>
<element name="parallel" type="tns:Workflow"/>
<element name="pipeline" type="tns:Pipeline"/>

<complexType name="Workflow">
 <choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <element ref="sequence"/>
    <element ref="parallel"/>
    <element ref="pipeline"/>

<complexType name="Pipeline">

This is a far more elegant way of writing the schema, I agree - it's what I originally used. Unfortunately, WSDL2Java (Axis 1.4) doesn't seem to support the maxOccurs attribute on a choice element. The beans don't reflect it, there's only one member in the Java bean for each of the subelements. It is a complicated problem. Since the sequence, parallel and pipeline elements can occur in any order and multiplicity the bean would have to provide a List containing those objects. But then those objects need to be cast to the correct types ...
This is why I tried to use substitutionGroups.

Is there any other way of solving the problem? I hope I was wrong and it's possible to generate beans for the <choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> ... solution.


On 1/29/07, Amy Krause <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm having a very similar problem as described here:

My schema is included below.
I'm trying to implement a composite pattern. There are three types derived
from an abstract type as follows:

         Workflow (abstract)
        /         |        \
    Parallel   Sequence  Pipeline

Both parallel and sequence elements must contain nested Workflow elements
(one or more of parallel, sequence or pipeline), whereas pipeline elements
cannot - they form the leaves of the workflow tree.
An example of a document would be:

       <pipeline> ... </pipeline>
       <pipeline> ... </pipeline>
     <pipeline> ... </pipeline>

In the schema I've defined an abstract Workflow element and elements
parallel, sequence and pipeline. These are substitution elements for the
Workflow element.
When I generate Java beans with WSDL2Java there is no trace of the
parallel and sequence elements. There is a Java class called Composite
which extends WorkflowComponent but there is no way of telling whether
this Composite object used to be a sequence or a parallel element. How can
I force Axis to generate Java beans corresponding to those elements?

Any help with this would be appreciated.


  <!-- root element -->
  <xsd:element name="perform">
         <xsd:element ref="tns:workflow"/>

   <!-- work flow group and component -->

   <xsd:element name="workflow" abstract="true"

   <xsd:complexType name="WorkflowComponent">

   <xsd:element name="parallel"
   <xsd:element name="sequence"

   <xsd:complexType name="Composite">
       <xsd:extension base="tns:WorkflowComponent">
           <xsd:element ref="tns:workflow" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

   <xsd:element name="pipeline"

   <xsd:complexType name="Pipeline">
       <xsd:extension base="tns:WorkflowComponent">
           <xsd:element ref="tns:activity" minOccurs="1"

   <xsd:element name="activity">
      <!-- some definitions here ... -->

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 | Dr Amy Krause                      Applications Consultant |
 |                        |epcc|, The University of Edinburgh |
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