I am seeing very strange behavior in Axis2 with the namespace in the

My web service uses RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver and
message receivers. My service methods (actions) look like :

public OMElement method1(OMElement inputMsg) throws AxisFault {
    OMElement response;
     // prepare response
     return response;

What I am seeing is that the response I receive on the client side
contains a namespace that is different that what I set it to,
On the server side.

Just before return statements, my methods print response OMElement on
the server. In these printouts the namespaces 
are set to the correct ones. However on the client side, I see entirely
different namespace inserted in to the responses.

For example, printout from within my methods on the web service
implementation, I see something like this  :

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:XXResponse xmlns:tns="http://www.mycompany.com/XX";>
 .. Other stuff
</tns:XXResponse >

However, on the client side printout, I see namespace changed to
something else :

?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tns:XXResponse xmlns:tns="http://www.mycompany.com/YY";>
 .. Other stuff
</tns:XXResponse >

Any ideas ?


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