I recommend using Axis2. If the messages you will receive are encoded
using SOAP Encoding, then you'll have to use Axis instead. Don't under
any circumstances even think about using Apache SOAP.

You say you are "subscribing" to messages from a server? How are you
doing that? Is the server using WS-Eventing or WS-Notification? If
not, then how does this server support subscriptions?

What information do you have about this server and the messages it
will send you?


On 2/1/07, Istvan Orban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I am very new to Web services and Axis, so please bear with me. (once I
wrote a simple service which validates some incomming values againts our

I am now dealing with a big SOA system and I do not really know where to

This is the scenario.

I have to write a service which will be receiving SOAP messages from a
server ( I am subscribing to messages).

the message contains some properties and inside the BODY it has an XML file
which contains the data I need to process.

I have to answer by sending messages back which of course are standard SOAP
messages. (some XML content inside the envelope-body).

My question is:

what technologies should I use here.

- should I use AXIS ? (ps I have only written a web-service where you needed
to do WSDL etc).
- or apache SOAP + CASTOR to deserialize and serialize the xml?

if you say, axis is a good way to go, where should I start ?



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