Axis2 supports RPC/literal, but it does not support RPC/encoded.


On 2/6/07, Marian Suran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have the same problem and when I go with mouse pointer in the debug mode
inside net beans IDE over "env" variable, which holds soap envelope request,
right before service execute method to watch its current value I can see
correct soap envelope and then I step over execute method in the debugger
and it works without null pointer exception. It sounds very strange and Anne
told me that I should use axis1.4 because axis2 doesn't support rpc.


2007/2/5, Jiang Liu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi all,
> Currently I have a rpc style service running and when i use WSDL2Java to
generate xmlbeans based client, at server side it always receive
NullPointerException when invoking the remote method.
> So could anyone help me that this exception is thrown by my mistake, e.g.
missing schema files, or because Axis2 is not quite well support rpc yet?
> Also i have read the user guide, but:
> *. Can WSDL2Java generate corresponding server and client when the WSDL
uses rpc/encoding style?
> *. Do different databinding style affect connecting with a service? for
example xmlbeans not support rpc invocation, etc.
> *. Does rpc binding style service can be accessed from WSDL2Java generated
> Thanks for any reply
> Cheers!!
> ------------------------------
> Jiang Liu
> Student Number: 3075163
> CS/Yallara Name: ljiang
> RMIT, Melbourne
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