Hi Davanum...
I didn't think a determination had been made that this was indeed a bug in 
Axis 2 which is why I have not gone the JIRA route. Was hoping someone 
could just tell me I was doing something wrong with regards to my WSDL 
(that would be an easy fix!) . I'll put something in JIRA if thats how you 
want me to proceed.


"Davanum Srinivas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
02/07/2007 10:24 AM
Please respond to


Re: Axis2: skeleton differences w/Axis 1.4


JIRA bug please :) After you create the bug, you can upload the files as 


> Addendum to last post:
> Neither the unwrapping nor backwards compatilbity options in the codegen 
tool helped - which leads me to believe that something in the WSDL I 
attached in the last message may be amiss. Our goal is to pack portions of 
a SOAP header and SOAP body using the WSDL definitions - any help 
> \Sarwar
> 02/06/2007 10:49 PM
> Please respond to
>  axis-user@ws.apache.org
> To axis-user@ws.apache.org
> cc
> Subject Re: Axis2: skeleton differences w/Axis 1.4
> Hi Anne,
>  Thanks for the response.
> Here is what we were able to get working with Axis 1.4, and have been
>  struggling with Axis 2...
>  Our input message contained TWO parts, one destined for the body, and 
>  other destined for the header (we set this up in the binding).
>  The header contains security info that gets used by WSSJ - pretty 
>  usage best we can tell.
> When we ran WSDL2Java using Axis 1.4, the resulting stubs resulted in a
>  method signature for each of the methods that looked something like:
> message (header, body).
> Using Axis2, the WSDL does get parsed correctly (even though we have
>  defined two parts for the input message), but the resulting method
>  signature in the skeleton code always turns out like:
> message(header)
> Note the body is absent, even though it was set up to be one of the two
>  parts for the message.
> Other than the fact that we need to pack our security tokens into the
>  header, the WSDL is pretty basic. I can't rule out that transmogrifying
>  the WSDL to work with Axis 2 has led to some errors creeping in - at 
>  point, we've been staring at it for quite a while and can't see what we
>  may be doing wrong. I'm attaching the WSDL here - perhaps someone can
>  eyeball a problem we've missed. Note the header/body setup in the 
>  - we construct the binding by hand - is there any way to annotate a
>  message part as being destined for the header so that we could use 
>  WTP to generate the binding automagically?
> Thanks.
>  \Sarwar
> "Anne Thomas Manes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  02/06/2007 03:08 PM
>  Please respond to
>  axis-user@ws.apache.org
> To
>  axis-user@ws.apache.org
>  cc
> Subject
>  Re: Axis2: skeleton differences w/Axis 1.4
> "changing a few 'types' to 'elements'" tells me that the original WSDL
>  was defined as style="rpc", and my guess is that it used RPC/encoded.
>  Unfortunately, you have to do a little more than just tweak the
>  "types" to "elements". For one thing, when using document style, your
>  message may contain at monst one body element. That element must
>  reference an element definition in your types section that contains
>  all your input parameters. See my blog on wrapped document/literal for
>  some guidance:

> Anne
>  >
>  > Hello,
>  > Just wondering if anyone has encountered this:
>  > Using WSDL2JAVA on Axis 1.4,  our endpoint binding implementation
>  > automagically produced method signatures that took into account 
>  > arguments.
>  > Using the same WSDL in Axis 2.0, the skeleton generated has a method
>  > signature with only one of the required types as an argument. The 
>  one
>  > seems to have disappeared.
>  >
>  > The only 'tweaks' we have made to the WSDL for Axis 2 involve 
changing a
>  few
>  > 'types' to 'elements' to get the WSDL2JAVA to parse the WSDL.
>  >
>  > Can anyone eyeball something we may be missing?
>  >
>  > Thanks
>  > \Sarwar
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