I have a client written in Axis2.0 v1.0 that is launched from ant build
file. When I run it on Win XP machine, it runs fine and prints the web
service response as expected. However, when I run the same client on
Linux FC6, with same Axis2 on the same version of tomcat as Win machine
it fails with an exception containing the following (I'm showing the
first 3 lines):
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal NCName:
    at gnu.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriterImpl.writeStartElement
What seems strange is the gnu.xml line...is that FC6 related, in other
words, something that FC6 is "intercepting" and then initiating the
cascading exception? I see no reference to that package in any of the
jar files in the AXIS2 lib which is added to classpath in the ant file
at runtime.


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