
The <xs:include> must be a child of a <xs:schema> element. It cannot
be a direct child of the <wsdl:types> element; therefore, your main
WSDL should look something like this:

 <xs:schema targetNamespace="[targetNamespace]">
    <xs:include schemaLocation="dotNet_webServices.xsd"></xs:include>

Note that when using <xs:include> the included schema must have the
same targetNamespace as the including schema, or it must have no
targetNamespace. (If the namespaces are different, you must use
<xs:import> instead.)


On 2/14/07, Jarek Kucypera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello everyone

I've moved from axis1 to axis2 1.1.1 lately and here are two issues I
encountered using wsdl2java commandline tool:

1) I fail to generate neither server nor client, when WSDL contains
include statement. To be specific, the WSDL is divided into two parts:
the main one describes ports, bindings and the service and the other
one describes data types, here is some outline of the WSDLs:

<definitions ...>
<xs:include schemaLocation="dotNet_webServices.xsd"></xs:include>

<message> ...
<portType> ...
<binding> ...
<service> ...

... here type descriptions go

I get the following exception:
"org.apache.axis2.schema.SchemaCompilationException: The referenced
element '...' was not found!"
Both WSDL seems to be correct, as I can generete the stuff, when
I merge the WSDLs into single file AND also - axis1.x handles the
include successfully.

2) Adb databinding fails to generate classes and fields for enums
derived from string. For a schema complex type attribute like this:
  <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
   <xs:enumeration value="SUCCESS"/>
   <xs:enumeration value="FAILURE"/>
no field appears in the respcetive Java class generated from the complex
type having this attribute - and no class is generated from the enum
type. Fortunately xmlbeans bindings handles this perfectly - an emum
style Java class is generated and appropriate fields appear.
BTW early versions of axis1 had also problems with such enum ;)
Do the developers follow similar path ? ;)

2a) The generated adb Java class names are just ugly, like this:
xsdtypename_typex for x=1,2,3,... . This is not a
problem but the "_typex"  suffixes are just disturbing.

Has anyone also met those problems ?


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