
The -cp is a java runtime command line option.

What ever you pass here is passed to the java.exe that executes the jave

If you look in the script ( or java2wsdl.bat) you will see that
the code

(1) creates something called AXIS2_CLASSPATH ( all the axis runtime jars
that are required
(2) append to (1) the classpath the user passed it with java2wsdl -cp
(3) append the %CLASSPATH% variable

If you are not familiar with how the jvm treates -cp , I would say - look at
the java documentation.

On windows , step 3 does not happen. There is JIRA issue open and a patch
has been provided.


On 2/14/07, Alistair Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are there any examples of setting the classpath with java2wsdl? I've
tried: -cp .:/lib/test.jar -cn org.testing.Tester

but it fails to find the classes in /lib/test.jar



mov eax,1
mov ebx,0
int 80h

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