Amila Suriarachchi wrote:
On 2/16/07, * Dennis Sosnoski* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi Larry,

    You're correct on your assumptions, that if a Calendar is being
    it should have a consistent time value and time zone. In this case the
    time zone of the Calendar should be set to UTC. That said, there are
    some seriously warped issues involved - Calendar *always* works with
    time zones, while xsd:dateTimes either use UTC times or times with no
    zone information (where the latter have basically a half-day

Can you pleas explain this bit? in xml spec the lexical representation of the datetime is '-'? yyyy '-' mm '-' dd 'T' hh ':' mm ':' ss ('.' s+)? (zzzzzz)? and this (zzzzz)? part is either be Z (means GMT) or the actual time zone (eg +0530)

The offset is not a time zone - it's just an offset. The problem is that when you try translating this into a Java Calendar you use a *real* time zone, and in Java terms this means that it has associated dates when daylight savings time is in effect and such. The xsd:dateTimes don't have this implication - the +/- value is only an offset from GMT for the particular values supplied.

IMHO this is another example of the stupidity of schema. There's no point in allowing offsets in the representation when they're eliminated in the actual value, and it just creates more opportunity for confusion.

    xsd:dateTimes do not support time zones in the Java sense at all.

Can't we use the simpleDateFormatter to parse the dates correctly with timezones? Dennis can you please check the logic I have used in convertToDateTime method in org.apache.axis2.databinding.utils.ConverterUtil to parse the date?

If you want to convert xsd:dateTimes to a Calendar, you can do so correctly *only* if the dateTime uses an offset or a UTC (Z) value (of course, the same limitation applies in converting to java.util.Date values - it takes a structure like the javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar class to really represent an xsd:dateTime in all its confused complexity). In this case, the way to handle things is to force the Calendar to use UTC and convert the value on this basis.

I don't honestly know if you can easily do this using SimpleDateFormat. This code, like all the standard Java date/time handling, is riddled with inconsistencies and side-effects, so it's very difficult to say how to make it behave in a particular way. JiBX uses its own code for parsing dateTimes and related values, which you can find in the org.jibx.runtime.Utility class: It's BSD licensed, but I'll willingly grant you permission to use the code in Axis2 and convert to Apache license if you want. The JiBX code uses Dates as the equivalent to xsd:dateTime values, but a Calendar is basically just a wrapper around a Date that adds time zone information. If you create the Date value first you should be able to create a Calendar using UTC and then call the Calendar.setTime() method to set the Calendar correctly.

 - Dennis

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