Hi, I have created a WSDL file and I generated the java files with
WSDL2Java using Eclipse WTP plug-in.
I extracted the XML Schema part from the WSDL and I generated a XSD
file. Then, I validated some XML instances against the XSD file to be
sure that the Schema detects the constraints.
One of them is:
        <restriction base="string">
                value="(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)" />

Eclipse XML validation tool (that seems to use a Xerces validator)
detects when the above patters is wrong.

The problem is that the code generated by WSDL2Java and/or the AXIS
server do not detect when the pattern
"(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)(X|\.)" is violated in a SOAP
instance. I know that my WS server do some validation (It detects
other minor restrictions) but it seems not to be "powerful" enough to
validate the full SOAP instance against the WSDL.

I would like to know how to change the SOAP instance validator or some
other idea/solution to my problem.

Thanks in advance,


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