Hi all, 

 I sent this mail a few weeks ago and did not get any response, so Im going
to give it another try.

 I've created a jax-rpc handler to marshal a Castor object to xml node. I've
tested this on Websphere 6.0 + 6.1 and it works correctly.

When I tried using Tomcat and Axis it fails and throws an null pointer
exception. During the marshalling process a SOAPHeaderElement node  is
passed to castor and castor uses Axis own SAAJ library  to create the DOM
object . But the method org.w3c.dom.Element createElement(String tagName)
within org.apache.axis.message.SOAPDocumentImpl  fails.

The first pass of the following line of code works correctly but the all
other calls will fail, as the soapPart is null.


 SOAPEnvelope soapenv =



Any body have any ideas ?



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