Oh, I forgot to say that I use Axis 1.4

this is a little urgent, so thank you very much!

-----Original Message-----
From: WANG Chi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 4:50 PM ?
To: axis-user@ws.apache.org
Subject: Generate wrapped basic types by JAVA2WSDL


I write an interface

ublic interface InvocationManager {
         * Invoke an OTA service in advanced mode.
         * @param sessionId             session ID (mandatory)
         * @param msisdn                msisdn (mandatory)
         * @param serviceName   name of service (mandatory)
         * @param dataAsString  a single data as a String to be 
exploited/parsed by the service (optional)
         * @param transactionId                 transaction ID  (optional)
         * @param smscMode                              smsc mode, the valid 
value is MT, SMSC, or TRANS. (optional)
         * @param driverId                              the driver ID (optional)
         * @param guaranteeOfExecution  Requested guarantee of execution 
         * @param guaranteeOfDelivery   Requested guarantee of delivery 
         * @param priority                              Requested priority, 0 
Emergency, 1 Urgent, 2 Normal.  (optional)
         * @param invocationValidityPeriod      The invocation validity period, 
in millisecond. (optional)
         * @param smsValidityPeriod                     The SMS validity 
period, in millisecond. (optional)
         * @param httpNotificationPoint         a URL to display the final 
delivery status of the service (optional)
         * @return The invocation Id if invocation is registered, or null if 
some error occurs
         * @throws DeniedAccessFault            if the login failed
         * @throws ServiceBreakDownFault        if OTA server is down
         * @throws InvalidInvocationFault       if the invocation is invalid or 
        public String advancedInvoke(String sessionId, String msisdn,
                        String serviceName, String dataAsString, String 
                        String smscMode, Integer driverId, Boolean 
                        Boolean guaranteeOfDelivery, Integer priority,
                        Long invocationValidityPeriod, Long smsValidityPeriod,
                        String httpNotificationPoint) throws DeniedAccessFault,
                        ServiceBreakDownFault, InvalidInvocationFault;


Then I call JAVA2WSDL and WSDL2JAVA  to generate the stubs, the style is 

<axis-java2wsdl typemappingversion="1.2" style="WRAPPED" use="LITERAL" 
location="${invocation-url}" bindingname="InvocationManagerSoapBinding" 
                                <classpath refid="wsdl.classpath" />

<axis-wsdl2java typemappingversion="1.2" serverside="true" 
url="${wsdl.dir}/invocationmanager.wsdl" deployscope="Application" 
skeletondeploy="true" output="${sources.dir}">
namespace="urn:card.soap.ota.gemplus.com" package="com.gemplus.ota.soap.card" />

but in the generated class, the wrapped basic types Integer, Boolean, etc.. are 
converted to basic types int, boolean...

how to retain the wrapped basic types? 

thank you very much!

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