Hi  Nalini ;

As I can see you are using Axis2 1.1 release , any possibility of
checking with nightly builds ?
Even in current code base we are no loner use that parameter as well ,
only one parameter to control the REST support.


> Hi,
> I am trying to enable my webservice to handle both REST and SOAP. I am
> currently using ADB for databinding. Also I changed the '
> 'enableRESTInAxis2MainServlet' flag to true in axis2.xml file. Please
> see the file snippet below:
> *    <!--parameters help to tweak the message handling of two main
> servlets. -->*
> * *
> *    <!-- If the enableRESTInAxis2MainServlet is true, then
> Axis2MainServlet will handle both SOAP and REST messages -->*
> *    <parameter name="enableRESTInAxis2MainServlet"
> locked="true">true</parameter>*
> * *
> *    <!-- Following parameter will completely disable REST handling in
> both the servlets-->*
> *    <parameter name="disableREST" locked="true">false</parameter>*
> * *
> *    <!-- This will disable the separate servlet we have for REST
> handling. -->*
> *    <parameter name="disableSeparateEndpointForREST"
> locked="true">true</parameter>*
> * *
> After changing the file I regenerated the wsdl and created the aar
> file again. When I deployed it on the server(JBoss) and tried invoke
> the service using REST I was able to do so. But when I tried to invoke
> the service using SOAP client(with the help of stub). I get the
> following error.
> *     [java] org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Transport level information
> does not ma*
> *ch with SOAP Message namespace URI; nested exception is:*
> *     [java]     org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPProcessingException:
> Transport level*
> *nformation does not match with SOAP Message namespace URI*
> *     [java]     at
> org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportUtils.createSOAPMessage(*
> *ransportUtils.java:126)*
> *     [java]     at
> org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportUtils.createSOAPMessage(*
> *ransportUtils.java:67)*
> *     [java]     at
> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.send(O*
> *tInAxisOperation.java:252)*
> *     [java]     at
> org.apache.axis2.description.OutInAxisOperationClient.execut*
> *(OutInAxisOperation.java:202)*
> *     [java]     at
> com.gryphonnetworks.ws.CertifyServiceStub.certifyClient(Cert*
> *fyServiceStub.java:344)*
> *     [java]     at
> com.gryphonnetworks.ws.GryphonClient.main(GryphonClient.java*
> *56)*
> *     [java] Caused by: org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPProcessingException:
> Transport*
> *level information does not match with SOAP Message namespace URI*
> *     [java]     at
> org.apache.axiom.soap.impl.builder.StAXSOAPModelBuilder.iden*
> *ifySOAPVersion(StAXSOAPModelBuilder.java:144)*
> *     [java]     at
> org.apache.axiom.soap.impl.builder.StAXSOAPModelBuilder.<ini*
> *>(StAXSOAPModelBuilder.java:108)*
> *     [java]     at
> org.apache.axis2.transport.TransportUtils.createSOAPMessage(*
> *ransportUtils.java:120)*
> *     [java]     ... 5 more*
> Following is my SOAP client code:
> package com.gryphonnetworks.ws;
> import java.rmi.RemoteException;
> import com.gryphonnetworks.ws.CertifyServiceStub;
> import com.gryphonnetworks.common.xsd.ChannelDetails;
> import com.gryphonnetworks.common.xsd.CertificationData;
> import com.gryphonnetworks.ws.xsd.CertifyClient;
> import com.gryphonnetworks.ws.CertifyClientFaultException;
> import com.gryphonnetworks.ws.xsd.CertifyClientFault;
> import com.gryphonnetworks.ws.xsd.CertifyClientResponse;
> public class GryphonClient {
>       /**
>        * If account# == "13", then you will get a AccountNotExistFault.
>        * otherwise if you provide an amount > 1000, you will get a
> InsufficientFundFaultMessageException,
>        * otherwise you will get a response with a balance equal to
> 1000 - amountWithdrawn.
>        */
>       private static String URL =
> "http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/CertifyService";;
>       public static void main(String[] args) {
>              CertifyServiceStub stub = null;
>              System.out.println("Entering: GryphonClient");
>              try {
>                         stub = new CertifyServiceStub(URL);
>                         CertificationData[] certificationData = new
> CertificationData[2];
>                         CertificationData cdTemp = new
> CertificationData();
>                         ChannelDetails [] cahnnelDetails = new
> ChannelDetails[1];
>                         ChannelDetails temp = new ChannelDetails();
>                         temp.setChannelType("EMAIL");
>                         temp.setChannelDetails("12345");
>                         cahnnelDetails[0] = temp;
>                         cdTemp.setChannelDetails(cahnnelDetails);
>                         cdTemp.setClientId(124);
>                         certificationData[0] = cdTemp;
>                         cdTemp = new CertificationData();
>                         temp = new ChannelDetails();
>                         cahnnelDetails = new ChannelDetails[1];
>                         temp.setChannelType("FAX");
>                         temp.setChannelDetails("6789");
>                         cahnnelDetails[0] = temp;
>                         cdTemp.setChannelDetails(cahnnelDetails);
>                         cdTemp.setClientId(2489);
>                         certificationData[1] = cdTemp;
>                         CertifyClient certifyClient = new CertifyClient();
>                         certifyClient.setData(certificationData);
>                         /*RestEnabled re = new RestEnabled();
>                         re.setArg("Nalini Srivastava");
>                         RestEnabledResponse response =
> stub.restEnabled(re);*/
>                         CertifyClientResponse response =
> stub.certifyClient(certifyClient);
>                   System.out.println("After calling the ws..."+response);
>                   if(response != null)
>                   {
>                         System.out.println("After calling the
> ws...response != null");
>                         CertificationData[] ret = response.get_return();
>                         if(ret != null)
>                         {
>                               System.out.println("After calling the
> ws...ret != null");
>                               System.out.println("After calling the
> ws...ret[0].getClientId : "+ret[0].getClientId());
>                         }
>                   }
>               } catch (CertifyClientFaultException e) {
>                   final CertifyClientFault fault = e.getFaultMessage();
>                   System.out.println("The fault is " +
> fault.getErrorCode());
>               }  catch (RemoteException e) {
>                   e.printStackTrace(); 
>               } catch (Exception e) {
>                   e.printStackTrace();
>               }
>       }
> }
> Please let me know what I am doing wrong in this.
> * *
> Regards,
> Nalini
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nalini Srivastava
> Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:36 PM
> To: Nalini Srivastava; 'axis-user@ws.apache.org'
> Subject: RE: [axis2] REST approach
> Hi,
> I am new to web services. I was looking at the 'userguide' provided
> with axis2 distribution. The sample has used AXIOM data binding
> mechanism. Can we use any other mechanism in it's place for the same
> example.
> Regards,
> Nalini
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