I am attempting to use axis2 in conjunction with Jboss Rules to write a
service which executes some business rules.  I debated about whether to
send this request to the rules list first, but I really think it's an
axis2 problem.

The service deploys just fine and wsdl is generated as it should be.
The problem I am having is that the Jboss Rules compiler (located in
/lib in the aar) cannot find the classes which implement the web service
(located in /com/mycompany/rules/servicename in the aar).  To muddy the
waters further, I'm using a decision table (xls file) for the rules
themselves.  This seems to be found and parsed OK, but the resulting DRL
cannot be compiled because the compiler cannot find the implementation
classes it needs.  Should the *.jar files in /lib have access to the
service implementation classes located off the root?

FWIW, here is the structure of my aar file:

|- com/mycompany/rules/myservice (service *.class files)
|- lib (Jboss rules *.jar files)
|- meta-inf (services.xml, etc.)

I have tried placing the class files in various places in the aar, to no
avail.  I even went so far as jar'ing them up and putting the jar in
/lib.  None of this has helped.  I've also done the normal triple-check
on references, spelling arrors, etc.  Any other ideas on what's going on


Jeff Grimshaw
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Green Point Mortgage

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