Anne Thomas Manes schrieb:
.NET uses "unwrapping" by default.

On 3/18/07, Florian Wachs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all !
Since quite a while I have the same problem and no solution (well I
guess everyone has to face such a problem sooner or later :-) ). I´m
quite new to webservices and german so please excuse my english skills.
Im trying to develop a simple POJO Webservice. The Service compiles well
and is accessible. My problems are on the clientside or rather axis2
wsdl autogeneration. At first, editing the wsdl file by hand is not a
solution for me. But now the problems:
Axis2 seems to wrap the my types. e.g. I have a method called
getQuestion() which should return a Question object. But axis2 forces me
to do .....getQuestion().get_return(); and thats (for me) not
understandable. I know I can bypass this behavior by using the wsdl2java
Programm with -uw (unwrapping). This works (almost everytime) fine for
my Java Client, but doesn´t solve my problem on the .Net side. I use
VisualStudio 2005 and created a web reference. But when it comes to
using des service I get the same ugly style to access the service plus
even more ugly named fields e.g. ....getQuestion()[EMAIL PROTECTED] I .NET´s
wsdl.exe there is (as far as I know) no -uw option.

So, maybe someone can help.
Thanks a lot and have a great week

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Yes, it´s true that .Net uses autounwrapping, but that doesn´t change the problem that the name of the return object is @return and I still have to use these ugly Response Wrappers or Document classes. For me, it´s simple not userfriendly, when I have to create a "Transport-Object" and calling a lot of set...()-Methods instead of simple calling the method a more faster and simpler way like myMethod(param1,param2,param3) and not myMethod(.....Document...). Don´t get me wrong, I really prefer Axis2 but it seems like JAXWS 2.1 (which shows non of the mentioned "problems") does the job better, but I still want to know if there´s any posibility to use Axis2 without creating/editing a wsdl which axis2 creates by default. What is the benefit of using this wrapping stuff ? We use Axis 1 before and no one can understand what the reason for this is. Maby someone can tell me one.

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