Thanks for all your replies.

Krishna:  I followed your directions, and changed the case of the parameter.
However, I'm still observing the items I noted in #2 of my original email.
Also, I noticed that Axis2 has also removed the "parts" attribute in my
soap12:body and soap:body elements.

Amila:  I'm sorry, but I don't quite follow your response.  Are you saying
that the issue in general is known, or the specific observations I made in
#2 of my email is known?

On 3/22/07, Amila Suriarachchi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 3/21/07, D P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> When a client queries the service wsdl at http://../../serviceName?wsdl,
> I would like the service to return the wsdl which I packaged in the .aar
> file, _not_ an auto generated wsdl.  I came across a possible solution here:
> 1.  It appears though there are some issues with the solution.  Does
> anyone know if this works for sure?
> 2.  After implementing the solution in my services.xml file, i noticed 2
> things:
> a.) i've refactored out some schema into an xsd file, and import it to
> multiple wsdls.  A copy of the xsd file is packaged with each wsdl and the
> code to import the xsd uses schemaLocation=" foo.xsd".  But when I look
> at the wsdl file at http://../../serviceName?wsdl, the schemaLocation
> element value is now schemaLocation="serviceName?xsd=xsd0".  Why is this
> happening?
> b) When I look at the wsdl file at http://../../serviceName?wsdl, i
> notice that wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:input and
> wsdl:portType/wsdl:operation/wsdl:output have a wsaw:Action, whereas the
> original wsdl I packaged with the .aar does not. Why is this happening?

I think this is a known issue.
In Axis2 we use the  WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder to build the Axis Service
from the wsdl file. The first step it does is it process the imports.
i.e. It iterates through all the imported wsdls and  put all the imports
to the service wsdl.  Then when serializing the wsdl4jDefinition it
serializes this changed wsdl4j object. So it contains both original imports
(I removed this recently) and the imported elements.
please log a jira.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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