Both problems below seem to be fixed by Axis2-1.2-RC1.
Thilina was right when he guessed I had not replaced all the jars when I
said I had tested with RC1.

-----Original Message-----
From: Thilina Gunarathne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2007 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AXIS2] MTOM problems


> 1.  Sometimes 1 extra byte is received.  This is a 255 (0xff).
It would be great if you can isolate the failing scenario and log a
Jira with a test case..
> 2.  When I set the client option CACHE_ATTACHMENTS to true, a client-side
> thread loops, appending bytes of 0xff to a .ATT file in the attachments
> directory.
I did some fixes to the Attachment caching after the 1.1 release..
They are available in the latest svn head of Axiom.. And should be
available with the Axis2-1.2-RC1..

Can you please retest the 2 with Axis2-1.2-RC1.. Make sure to replace
each and every jar with the once that came with 1.2-rc1, specially the
Axiom jars..

Thilina Gunarathne  - -

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