Hi Manoj,

Thanks for your reply.
As I mentioned, I did compiled class with -g option (debug mode, reserving
local variable names, line numbers, and class info).

What I want to know is how Axis extract those method argument names. I want
to use the similar way to extract the method argument names in own data


On 3/29/07, Manoj Khangaonkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Axis can get Parameter names of methods from a compiled class only if the
class is compiled in
debug mode.

If class is not compiled in debug mode, the parameter names are not in the
.class file and there is no
way to get them.


On 3/27/07, Xinjun Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Axis users and developers,
> I cannot understand one thing about Axis 1.4's Java2WSDL.
> When I use Java2WSDL, my class file is a concrete class compiled with -g
> option. Then in the generated WSDL, I now do not see those meaningless in0,
> in1, and etc. Thanks Axis developers!
> But I don't understand how Axis extracts the parameter names of a method
> from a class file.
> I have this question because I want to extract parameter names of a
> method from a class file using my own program. I googled and two options are
> using either JDI or BCEL. I searched Axis source but do not see these two
> APIs. I want to learn from Axis Java2WSDL to get parameter names of a class
> file.
> Could any Axis developer or expert user explain the concept how Axis get
> the parameter names of a method from a class file?
> Currently I want to choose BCEL to achieve the purpose, but I still want
> to understand how Axis does it.
> Regards,
> Xinjun

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