No. You never /need/ three different bindings unless you want to use all of them. I reckon that they provided three different bindings in the examples for convinience only.


Vikas schrieb:

Wsdl2Java utility, do we required all these 3 WS bindings?
If I am NOT using REST-style binding and SOAP 1.2.

With best regards

Vikas R. Khengare

----- Original Message ----- From: "Philipp Leitner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: why 3 different <wsdl:binding> tags present in WSDL file?

you don't "need" three different bindings, but these examples provide
bindings for the 3 most common WS bindings. 1 is the standard SOAP
binding, 2 is a SOAP 1.2 (hence the "12") binding, and three is a
REST-style binding.


Vikas schrieb:
Hi Friends,

Axis2 provides some sample codes with "*axis2-1.1.1\samples*" directory.
When we deploy that web services, we can get wsdl files for all
services, but in that WSDL files <wsdl:binding> tag is not making sense.
Because in each WSDL file we are getting 3 <wsdl:binding> tags.

eg. "*version.aar*" web service

1) <wsdl:binding name="VersionSOAP11Binding"
        <soap:binding transport="";

2) <wsdl:binding name="VersionSOAP12Binding"
        <soap12:binding transport="";

3) <wsdl:binding name="VersionHttpBinding" type="axis2:VersionPortType">
        <http:binding verb="POST"/>

Here why do we required 3 different <wsdl:binding> tags. where in 1) &
2) there only name and *[<soap>*:*<soap12>*] difference present?

can some one give me more information on this bindings?

With best regards

Vikas R. Khengare
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