  I've tried similar thing and noticed a critical difference between Axis and 
Axis2 generated clients.  I originally implement the web services with Axis 
1.3, now looking to use Axis 2.
  My WSDLs are wrapped doc/literal in style, following WS-I profile for 
interoperability with .Net.  My client is .net so ideally I don't want to 
change the WSDLs.  
  The problem I found is the Axis 1 and Axis2 generated clients are using 
diffferent mechanism (required different EPRs) for invoking the services.  With 
Axis1.3, the EPR is using the <wsdl:port> name, while Axis2 is using the 
<wsdl:service> name.  If you named both with the same name, it works fine.  But 
I happened to name the <service> different from the <port> name as many people 
do so.  
  I don't know what others think, but I consider interoperability is the most 
important or driving feature web services provide.   It would be desriable if 
the client won't be depending on how you implement the services. Why cannot we 
use Axis 1.3 client to talk to Axis2 services or use Axis2 client to talk to 
Axis1.3 services?  If no interoperability between Axis1 and Axis 2, how would 
it work between Axis and .net?
  Thanks for your comments in advance.
Jenn Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thank you all for your replies.  I'll give it a try.


  ----- Original Message ----
From: Sanjiva Weerawarana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 16, 2007 3:09:24 AM
Subject: Re: Axis2 and existing client code

  Thilina Gunarathne wrote:
> Axis2 and Axis1 to generate slightly different WSDL's for the same
> pojo service.. So the client's that depend on axis1 service (described
> by the wsdl) will not be able to communicate with the Axis2 service
> (described by Axis2 generated wsdl)...

If the service is the same (i.e., it accepts the same XML and returns the 
same XML) then changes in how that XML is described should not affect the 
clients. That is, what Thilina is saying is that we generate doc/lit style 
WSDL 1.1 documents by default and Axis1 I believe generates rpc/encoded 
style ones for POJOs. However, if they're backed by the same POJO then the 
client should continue to work unmodified because its sending and 
receiving the same XML as before.

Sanjiva Weerawarana, Ph.D.
Founder & Director; Lanka Software Foundation;
Founder, Chairman & CEO; WSO2, Inc.;
Director; Open Source Initiative;
Member; Apache Software Foundation;
Visiting Lecturer; University of Moratuwa;

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