I've also experienced the same problem and have been told its a bug. Its reported on JIRA here:


Vibhor_Sharma wrote:
I get the following error when i tested the webservices with soap11 client. The web services have been developed by using the axis2(1.1.1) code generation tools and deployed on Jboss application server. ERROR: Missing <soap:fault> element inFault "gryphonWSFault" in operation "gryphonWSFault", in binding certifyContact <http://wmdev1:8080/browse/WS-20>






I'm using the wsdl generated by wsdl2java

Please compare the fault elements in the following WSDL snippet. Why is the tool not generating the appropriate element?

Would it be the right thing to do by replacing the contents of fault elemnt from SOAP12 binding into SOAP11 binding? <wsdl:binding name="CertifyChannelSOAP11Binding" type="axis2:CertifyChannelPortType">

<soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>

<wsdl:operation name="certifyContact">

<soap:operation soapAction="urn:certifyContact" style="document"/>


<soap:body use="literal"/>



<soap:body use="literal"/>


<wsdl:fault name="GryphonWSFaultException">

<soap:body use="literal"/>




<wsdl:binding name="CertifyChannelSOAP12Binding" type="axis2:CertifyChannelPortType">

<soap12:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"; style="document"/>

<wsdl:operation name="certifyContact">

<soap12:operation soapAction="urn:certifyContact" style="document"/>


<soap12:body use="literal"/>



<soap12:body use="literal"/>


<wsdl:fault name="GryphonWSFaultException">

<soap12:fault use="literal" name="gryphonWSFault"/>






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