you also have the same problem as in

the only option i can see is to merge the two wsdl files and generate the
code once.

Can you try out another databinding frame work?

On 4/17/07, Patrick Houbaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm writing a client against several WSDL which are all sharing the same
schemas for types.
Let's say I have the following:
- WSDL1 using schema typeA and schema typeB
- WSDL2 using schema typeA and schema typeC

When I generate the client stub with AXIS2 (using xmlbeans bindings)
against WSDL1 and implement a small client using only this stub everything
works great.
When I start to generate the client stub with AXIS2 (using xmlbeans
binding) against WSDL2 in the same output folders where client stub for
WSDL1 was and run my small client without touching any lines  I get some
ClassCastException on the java type generated with AXIS2 (sources/resources
were regenerated and overwritten against WSDL2).

I did repack the resources generated folder and added it to my project
classpath everytime I generated a new stub.

If anybody can advise on how to generate client stubs against several WSDL
sharing the same schema types, it would be really useful.

Thanks for any help.

I'm using AXIS2-1.2-RC2, and here are my settings for generating the
<target name="">
        <java classname="org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java" fork="true"
            <classpath refid="axis2.classpath"/>
            <jvmarg value="-Xss2048k"/>
            <arg value="-d"/>
                        <arg value="xmlbeans"/>
                        <arg value="-uri"/>
                        <arg value="${}"/>
                        <arg value="-g"/>
                        <arg value="-ssi"/>
                        <arg value="-s"/>
                        <arg value="-u">
                        <arg value="-o"/>
                        <arg file="${src.client}"/>

<target name="">
        <java classname="org.apache.axis2.wsdl.WSDL2Java" fork="true"
            <classpath refid="axis2.classpath"/>
            <jvmarg value="-Xss2048k"/>
            <arg value="-d"/>
                        <arg value="xmlbeans"/>
                        <arg value="-uri"/>
                        <arg value="${}"/>
                        <arg value="-g"/>
                        <arg value="-ssi"/>
                        <arg value="-s"/>
                        <arg value="-u"/>
                        <arg value="-o"/>
                        <arg file="${src.client}"/>

I was wondering if using the option -uw would help in anyway.


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Amila Suriarachchi,
WSO2 Inc.

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