I call that the "inner build.xml" file, created after you run wsdl2java.
For me, I end up using two build.xml files, one I create and that
autogenerated one.

-- The one I create (outer build.xml, at the project root) is just to
run WSDL2Java (Step #4 of [1]) (I envy those who can remember all the
parameters of command-line wsdl2java, but I definitely need to store
this in an Ant build script.)

-- The inner one is used for creating the service archive (Step #8 of
[1]) and compiling the client into a class (Step #13 of [1]).

That inner build.xml script is actually very useful, and it saves Axis2
users a ton of time in not needing to reinvent the wheel each time they
create a web service.


[1] http://www.jroller.com/page/gmazza?entry=creating_a_web_service_with

Am Dienstag, den 17.04.2007, 18:08 +0530 schrieb Vikas: 
> Hi Friends,
> Whenever we are using WSDL2Java command for given build.xml file from
> command prompt it generate one extra build.xml file.
> Before running command dir structure
> [quickstartadb
>         |
>         +-- resources
>               src
>               build.xml]
> Command:- WSDL2Java -uri resources/META-INF/StockQuoteService.wsdl -p
> samples.quickstart.clients -d adb -s -o build/client
> After running command dir structure
> [quickstartadb
>         |
>         +-- resources
>               src
>               build.xml
>         +-- build
>                |
>                +-- client
>                      |
>                      +-- build.xml [auto generated build file]
>                            src]
> It is always creating another "build.xml" file. What is the use of
> that extra build file?
> What is the option to NOT generate that build file?
> With best regards
> From
> Vikas R. Khengare

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