Hi Javier ,

As I can see there is a bug in the code , any way you have two option
 - Check with latest nightly builds
 - Send the req with "http://travel.ws.gt.com/xsd " namespace.


> Hi.
> I had an example in Axis2 1.0 with RPCMessageReceiver.
> I've installed Axis2 1.1.1 and that same example doesn't work, giving
> the error:
> org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: namespace mismatch require
> http://travel.ws.gt.com/xsd
> found http://GtTravel.travel.ws.gt.com/types
> (the impl class is in the package "travel.ws.gt.com")
> After reading the documentation I've included the attribue
> targetNameSpace
> in the services.xml :
> <service name="GtTravel" scope="request"
> targetNamespace="http://GtTravel.travel.ws.gt.com/types";>
> but the same error occurs, and in the WSDL all is referenced to that
> targetNameSpace too.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks in advance,
> Janfry
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