Jake Goulding wrote:
Michele Mazzucco wrote:
Are you using 2 channels (i.e. options.setUseSeparateListener(true))?,
the http server is started *only* if you use a separate listener to
receive the response.

Nope. I didn't even know about this option until your email. :-D Does this negate the whole of my problem? Why would I have a BindException if I didn't set this option?

Just wanted to make sure that this truly doesn't represent a bug in how axis is generating/using code. I do *not* call setUseSeparateListener(true), and according to what Michele says, I should not have any servers started in this case. If I do not have any servers being started, I should not have any BindExceptions being thrown.

Are there other servers that may be getting started?

Thanks again!

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