Hi Deepal

What i meant was after you get result how do we extract the result from
Soap Envelope. The data is in the form of a byte[] in result in one of the
elements. How do we know what is the element, i used tcpmon to find out my
element was CheckOutItemResult but is there  a standard way to extract the
file as i can see it enclosed in the element (SerivceName+"Result"). It
would be great if i can get a code snippet of a standard way of extracting
the MTOM byte array from the SOAPEnvelope

SOAPEnvelope response = inMsgtCtx.getEnvelope();


On 4/26/07, Deepal Jayasinghe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Anil,

You get get the OperationContext from the operation client and from that
you can get the response message context. Once you have the message
context , you can get the SOAPEnvelop from the MC.

Have a look at "Working with OperationClient" section in the following
article for more infor.



> hi
>  I am using Axis2 OperationClient API with MTOM. I got the result back
> as i can see using TCPMon is there a standard way to access the result
> after we get the message context and the SOAP envelope.
> Thanks
> Anil

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