
There are some options that might be interesting:

* JIBX allows you to bind to existing POJOs by specifying a simple binding file
* ADB has a "helper" mode where it will generate POJOs and leave the
XML gorp in other files.
* JAXB generates pretty clean nice POJOs.


On 5/2/07, Hickman, Craig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Working for a company that wants to hide much of the complexity of the Axis2

I've been building some helper methods to allow the ability to use a set of
beans to manipulate and bind the xml to the POJO's without the need for
using the code generation tools, which is something the developers at this
company wish to refrain from using if possible.

So here is my problem:

I get the root element and then

        OMElement root = utils.getOMRootElement(envelope);
        QName serviceQN = new QName(WSConstants.SERVICE_ELEMENT);
        Iterator serviceIter =  root.getChildrenWithName(serviceQN);

  //-- private method --//
   private void getService(Iterator serv) {
                Map aMap = new HashMap();

                //-- pass in iterator and constants for simple xml element
parsing --//
                try {
                        aMap = utils.getSimpleOMSubElement(serv,
this.getServiceConstants()); // the utility method as seen below
                        int mapsize = aMap.size();

                        Iterator keyValuePairs1 =
                        for (int i = 0; i < mapsize; i++)
                          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
                          Object key = entry.getKey();
                          Object value = entry.getValue();
                          logger.debug("<<<<<<<<< map values >>>>>>>> "
                          getServiceElementsSwitch(key, value);
                } catch (SOAPException e) {
                        logger.debug("getService SOAPException"
                } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                        logger.debug("getService XMLStreamException"

I pass in a list of the binded elements as strings in a list so that I can
iterate through them and then use the getChildWithNames iterator.
My only problem is that I can only get the first element text value even
though I loop through the list and pass I a new qName each time.
I have even tried another helper to get the text value taking in the
iterator and and the string value for the qName, but this still brings back
only one of the text values.

Am I missing something? I've logged it to make sure I'm iterating with the
correct elements for the binding, and have run test to make sure the payload
of text value is correct.

         * Walk the xml tree of elements
         * get the simple element and put
         * in map object for return.
         * @param serv
         * @throws XMLStreamException
         * @throws SOAPException
         * @return Map map
        public Map getSimpleOMSubElement(Iterator iter, List wsConstants)
throws SOAPException, XMLStreamException {
                int j = 1;
                String qName = "";
                String text = "";

                        for (j = 0; j < wsConstants.size(); j++) {
                                qName = (String)wsConstants.get(j);
                                logger.debug("qName = " +qName);
                                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                                    Object o =;

                                    if  (o instanceof OMElement) {
                                            OMElement c = (OMElement) o;
                                            OMElement element =
getOMElement(c, qName); // helpe method - takes element and constant string
                                            text = element.getText();

                                logger.debug("text = " + j + "" +text);
                                map.put(j, text);
                return map;

          * Helper method to get the text elements in a type safe fashion
         * @param element
         * @param name
         * @return
       public  OMElement getOMElement(OMElement result, String element)
            throws SOAPException, XMLStreamException {

            QName qName = new QName(element);
            if (qName == null) {
              throw new RuntimeException("Missing required method

            Iterator i = result.getChildrenWithName(qName);
            if (! i.hasNext()) {
              throw new RuntimeException("Missing required  element.");

            OMElement omElement = (OMElement);

            return omElement;

As you see in the logs I can only get the first text value of the seven
entries, and the others do have text in them just unable to get it with the

2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.99 - qName = partner-num
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.110 - text = 100250
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.99 - qName = auth-code
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.99 - qName = client-user
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.99 - qName = client-id2
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.99 - qName = browser-form-post
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.99 - qName = operation
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG utils.XMLUtils
getSimpleOMSubElement.99 - qName = client-id3
2007-05-01 17:41:19,967 [ApplicationServerThread-0] DEBUG sso.SSOSkeleton
getService.142 - <<<<<<<<< map values >>>>>>>> 100250

I built it originally using the straight ahead manner of waliking the
elements, so why does it work below but above I cannot use the same idea
with a helper method using iteration?

while (service.hasNext()) {
                        Object o =;
                        OMElement s = (OMElement) o;

                        //----  test all data ----//
                        logger.debug("<<<<<  START OF SERVICE DATA >>>>> ");

                        //--- use helper class for test ---//
                        //-- Test partner-num -- //
                                OMElement partnerData =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.PARTNER_NUM));
                                logger.debug("<<<< Partner Data >>> "

                                // -- client-id --//
                                OMElement clientId =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.CLIENT_ID));
                                logger.debug("<<<< client-id >>> "
                                assertEquals("146", clientId.getText());

                                // -- auth-code --//
                                OMElement authCode =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.AUTH_CODE));
                                logger.debug("<<<< auth-code >>> "

                                 // -- client-user --//
                                OMElement clientUser =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.CLIENT_USER));
                                logger.debug("<<<< client-user >>> "
                                assertEquals("1", clientUser.getText());

                                 // -- client-id2 --//
                                OMElement clientId2 =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.CLIENT_ID_2));
                                logger.debug("<<<< client-id2 >>> "
                                assertEquals("2", clientId2.getText());

                                 // -- browser-form-post --//
                                OMElement browserFormPost =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.BROWSER_FORM_POST));
                                logger.debug("<<<< browser-form-post >>> "
                                assertEquals("text data ",

                                 // -- operation  --//
                                OMElement operation =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.OPERATION));
                                logger.debug("<<<< operation >>> "
                                assertEquals("create", operation.getText());

                                 // -- client-id3 --//
                                OMElement clientId3 =
s.getFirstChildWithName(new QName(WSConstants.CLIENT_ID_3));
                                logger.debug("<<<< client-id3 >>> "
                                assertEquals("12345", clientId3.getText());

                                logger.debug("<<<<<  END OF SERVICE DATA
>>>>> ");

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Paul Fremantle
VP/Technology, WSO2 and OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair

"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform",

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