I don't think the ant task has ever been updated to support -Exxx data binding extension options. You can just use WSDL2Java directly, though, with an Ant <javac>:

   <java classpathref="axis-classpath" fork="true"
     <!-- -o parameter sets the output root directory -->
     <arg value="-o"/>
     <arg value="${build-client}/gen"/>
     <!-- -p parameter gives the package for Axis2 code generation -->
     <arg value="-p"/>
     <arg value="${package-name}"/>
     <!-- -d parameter selects the databinding framework -->
     <arg value="-d"/>
     <arg value="jibx"/>
     <arg value="-Ebindingfile"/>
     <arg value="binding.xml"/>
     <!-- -u parameter unbundles data object classes -->
     <arg value="-u"/>
     <!-- -uw parameter unwraps the request messages -->
     <arg value="-uw"/>
     <!-- -s generates synchronous methods only -->
     <arg value="-s"/>
     <!-- -uri parameter provides the WSDL input -->
     <arg value="-uri"/>
     <arg value="${wsdl-path}"/>

or whatever options you want to pass.

 - Dennis

Dennis M. Sosnoski
SOA and Web Services in Java
Training and Consulting
http://www.sosnoski.com - http://www.sosnoski.co.nz
Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117

Armin Ehrenfels wrote:
Hi list,

how can I specify something like the -Ebindingfile option with the ant task ?

TIA and regards


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