
I was so impressed I blogged it!


On 5/2/07, Thilo Frotscher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Axis2 book
I am pleased to announce that our new Axis2 book was published
last week. It contains nearly 600 pages and covers all aspects
of Web Service development using Axis2. Topics include:

- Web Service fundamentals (SOAP, WSDL, Code-First vs. Contract-First)
- First steps (installation, basic concepts of Axis2, POJO services,
   simple clients)
- Developing applications with Axis2 and Eclipse (plugins, tools,
   service debugging)
- Contract-First with Axis (code generation, implementing and
   deploying services)
- Axis2 Client API
- Synchronous, asynchronous and one-way communication
- Error handling
- Service lifecycle
- Session handling
- Axis2 architecture and configuration guide
- Message flow and internal message processing
- Understanding flows and phases
- Description Hierarchy and Context Hierarchy
- Developing handlers and modules
- XML Data Binding (fundamentals, ADB, XMLBeans, JiBX, JAXB, JaxMe)
- Custom Message Receivers
- Axis2 & Groovy
- Deploying EJBs as Web Services
- Spring integration
- MTOM & SwA
- Transport protocols (HTTP, SMTP, TCP, JMS)
- Support for WS-* extensions (WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-Security,

The book details are:

Title: Java Web Services mit Apache Axis2
Authors: Thilo Frotscher, Marc Teufel, Dapeng Wang
ISBN-10: 3935042817
ISBN-13: 978-3935042819

At this stage the book is available in German language only. It can
be ordered at your favourite book store. A translation to English is
planned and we will let you know as soon as more information is
available regarding the publication date. If you are seeking in-depth
information about Axis2 in English language *now*, there's a training
course available. Please see below.

Axis2 training course
I am also offering a recently updated Axis2 training course (English or
German language), which covers all the above topics and is normally 3 to
4 days long. However, the agenda is fully customizable and not fixed. This
means that you can decide which topics you would like to cover and combine
these topics to create your own custom Axis2 training course. All trainings
include numerous practical exercises and are held in your premises.

I am currently planning the schedule for the second half of 2007 and there
are still some dates available. So if you are interested in booking an Axis2
training course or just like to get some more information about topics and
prices, please send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or check here:

Please note: At this stage the training course is available in Asia, Europe,
Australia and New Zealand only.

                     Thilo Frotscher

              Software Architect & Trainer


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Paul Fremantle
VP/Technology, WSO2 and OASIS WS-RX TC Co-chair

"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform",

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