I am trying to have all the namespaces in the Webservice to get its own package 
Namespace          Package
urn:emp:data       emp.data
urn:emp:service    emp.service
When I run Wsdl2Java everything gets put in org.tempuri
In looking at the documentation at: 
http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/reference.html I notice that 
the parameters are not the same as in the binary distribution.  I am on a 
Windows XP machine.
Included below is 

a line from the WSDL
the output from Wsdl2Java
the bat file running and its parameters used
the resulting directory structure and files
Any help is appreciated.
Here is a line from the WSDL that has the namespace I want to have as a 
seperate package
<wsdl:import namespace="urn:emp:service" 
location="http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0"; /> 
D) %AXIS2_HOME%/bin/WSDL2JavaUsing AXIS2_HOME:   
C:\Apps\java\Libraries\Axis2\axis2-1.2Using JAVA_HOME:    C:\Program 
Files\Java\jre1.5.0_11Usage: WSDL2Java -uri <url or path> : A url or path to a 
WSDL          -o <path>                Specify a directory path for the 
generated code.          -a                       Generate async style code 
only (Default: off).          -s                       Generate sync style code 
only (Default: off). Takes precedence over -a.          -p <pkg1>               
 Specify a custom package name for the generated code.          -l <language>   
         Valid languages are java and csharp (Default: java).          -t       
                Generate a test case for the generated code.          -ss       
               Generate server side code (i.e. skeletons) (Default: off).       
   -sd                      Generate service descriptor (i.e. services.xml). 
(Default: off). Valid with -ss.          -d <databinding>         Valid 
databinding(s) are adb, xmlbeans, jibx, jaxme and jaxbri (Default: adb).        
  -g                       Generates all the classes. Valid only with -ss.      
    -pn <port_name>          Choose a specific port when there are multiple 
ports in the wsdl.          -sn <service_name>       Choose a specific service 
when there are multiple services in the wsdl.          -u                       
Unpacks the databinding classes          -r <path>                Specify a 
repository against which code is generated.          -ns2p ns1=pkg1,ns2=pkg2  
Specify a custom package name for each namespace specified in the wsdls schema. 
         -ssi                     Generate an interface for the service 
implementation (Default: off).          -wv                      WSDL Version. 
Valid Options : 2, 2.0, 1.1          -S                      Specify a 
directory path for generated source          -R                      Specify a 
directory path for generated resources          -em                      
Specify an external mapping file          -f                      Flattens the 
generated files          -uw                      Switch on un-wrapping.        
  -xsdconfig <path to file> Use XMLBeans .xsdconfig file. Valid only with -d 
D) go.bat
D) rd build /q/sD) set outdir=buildD) set src=srcD) set language=javaD) set 
databinding=adbD) set uri=http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl
D) C:\Apps\java\Libraries\Axis2\axis2-1.2/bin/WSDL2Java -uri 
"http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl"; -o "build" -l "java" -d 
"adb" -S "src" -ns2p urn:emp:service=emp.service,urn:emp:data=emp.dataUsing 
AXIS2_HOME:   C:\Apps\java\Libraries\Axis2\axis2-1.2Using JAVA_HOME:    
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_11Retrieving document at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd1', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd2', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd0', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd2', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd0'.Retrieving document at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd1', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd2', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd0', relative to 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?wsdl=wsdl0'.Retrieving schema at 
'http://localhost:9000/PersonService/Service?xsd=xsd2', relative to 
D) dir /s Volume in drive D is New Volume Volume Serial Number is 5E9F-4C30
 Directory of D:\Temp\java\PersonService
05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          .05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          
..05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          build05/07/2007  08:34 AM              
 316 go.bat               1 File(s)            316 bytes
 Directory of D:\Temp\java\PersonService\build
05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          .05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          
..05/07/2007  08:34 AM             4,319 build.xml05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR> 
         src               1 File(s)          4,319 bytes
 Directory of D:\Temp\java\PersonService\build\src
05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          .05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          
..05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          org               0 File(s)            
  0 bytes
 Directory of D:\Temp\java\PersonService\build\src\org
05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          .05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          
..05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          tempuri               0 File(s)        
      0 bytes
 Directory of D:\Temp\java\PersonService\build\src\org\tempuri
05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          .05/07/2007  08:34 AM    <DIR>          
..05/07/2007  08:34 AM             4,711 
PersonServiceCallbackHandler.java05/07/2007  08:34 AM           910,363 
PersonServiceStub.java               2 File(s)        915,074 bytes
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