Am Dienstag, den 08.05.2007, 14:46 +0800 schrieb Xinjun Chen:
> 4) Comment the line SOAPEnvelope.toStringWithConsume(). Test the
> application again. The application works properly. 
> 5) Change the line to SOAPEnvelope.toString(). Test the application.
> It works properly. 
> Previously I think the toStringWithConsume and toString will differ in
> terms of performance since one is cached but the other is not. This
> difference should not cause a program to run incorrectly. 

Or more precisely (according to the fourth paragraph of this article[1])
toStringWithConsume() caches only if you set the caching flag to "true".

I'm not knowledgable enough about the source code to know if this is an
Axis error (but it is good that this thread is part of the searchable
archives)--but it appears that toString() is the only function your
logger should be calling, as toStringWithConsume() would cause you to
lose part of your input stream.



> Regards, 
> Xinjun
> On 5/4/07, Xinjun Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>         Hi Glen, 
>         Thanks for the pointer. 
>         I agree with your point 1), 2), and 3). 
>         Regarding your guess, I need to do in-server debugging to
>         confirm. 
>         If "needToThrowEndDocument" is different for two different
>         scenarios, it is possible that hasNext() return different
>         boolean values. But the problem I face below is that hasNext()
>         in two scenarios return the same boolean value (TRUE),
>         but next() in different scenario executes different logic.  
>         Anyway, I will download the source of AXIOM 1.2.2 to do the in
>         server debugging and revert to this forum.
>         Regards,
>         Xinjun 
>         On 5/4/07, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: 
>                 Here is the source code of OMStAXWrapper:
>                 Here are some things I noticed:
>                 1.)  The NPE occurs at generateEvents on line 1115
>                 because the passed-in
>                 "node" parameter is null.
>                 2.)  Method next(), which calls generateEvents() at
>                 line 911, does not 
>                 check to see if the currentNode parameter is null.  So
>                 apparently we
>                 have a case where the state is NAVIGABLE but
>                 currentNode is null.  (This
>                 I believe is OK, because client code should call
>                 hasNext() before
>                 calling next().)
>                 3.)  Your code calls method hasNext() at line 797
>                 before calling next().
>                 But you can see the AXIOM implementation of hasNext()
>                 has a different
>                 business logic depending on the boolean value of 
>                 "needToThrowEndDocument".
>                 So my guess would be that the needToThrowEndDocument
>                 value is different
>                 between standalone usage and web service usage, which
>                 changes the
>                 business logic of hasNext().  Further, the business
>                 logic for standalone 
>                 is correct but not working properly under certain
>                 circumstances for web
>                 service usage (i.e., it returns true when it should be
>                 false, causing
>                 your code to call next() erroneously, causing the
>                 NPE.)
>                 Glen
>                 Am Freitag, den 04.05.2007, 11:36 +0800 schrieb Xinjun
>                 Chen:
>                 > I have tried to invoke the EPaymentHandler from JSP
>                 directly, it works
>                 > fine. The EPaymentHandler.execute() invokes
>                 > CreditCardPaymentRequestBinder.toObject .
>                 >
>                 > But when I invoke the EPaymentHandler from inside a
>                 child class of
>                 >
>                 org.apache.axis2.receivers.RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver,
>                 then I get the
>                 > NPE.
>                 > The child class of RawXMLINOutMessageReceiver
>                 override the 
>                 > invokeBusinessLogic method as follows:
>                 >
>                 >  public void invokeBusinessLogic(MessageContext
>                 msgContext,
>                 > MessageContext newmsgContext) throws AxisFault {
>                 >
>                 >    log.debug("EPaymentHandler invoked."); 
>                 >    try {
>                 >        epayHandler.execute (msgContext,
>                 newmsgContext);
>                 >        // epayHandler will invoke
>                 CreditCardPaymentRequestBinder.
>                 >    } catch (Exception e) {
>                 >        log.error(e);
>                 >        throw new AxisFault(e);
>                 >    }
>                 >  }
>                 >
>                 > As can be seen, this method does not contain any
>                 code dealing with
>                 > StAX parser.
>                 > I am wondering which step affects the StAX parser
>                 and cause the 
>                 >
>  NPE.
>                 > I am not familiar with the implementation of AXIOM,
>                 and now cannot
>                 > proceed.
>                 >
>                 > As far as I know, wstx-asl-3.2.0.jar is the
>                 implementation of
>                 > stax-api. How about the axiom-impl-1.2.2.jar? Does
>                 it use
>                 > wstx-asl-3.2.0?
>                 >
>                 > Regards,
>                 > Xinjun
>                 >
>                 >
>                 > On 5/4/07, Xinjun Chen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                 >         Hi Dims,
>                 >
>                 >         The same soap request works with my
>                 standalone program. The 
>                 >         same method toObject runs correctly gives
>                 correct result. 
>                 >
>                 >         Regards,
>                 >         Xinjun
>                 >
>                 >         On 5/3/07, Davanum Srinivas
>                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>                 >                 Xinjun,
>                 > 
>                 >                 can you run tcpmon to capture the
>                 soap request and use
>                 >                 that xml with
>                 >                 your stand alone program to see if
>                 that works? 
>                 >
>                 >                 -- dims 
>                 >
>                 >                 On 5/3/07, Xinjun Chen
>                 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 > Hi, 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 > I wrote a sample custom
>                 serializer/deserializer to
>                 >                 serialize an object. When 
>                 >                 > I use a standalone program to test
>                 the serializer, 
>                 >                 it works fine. But when I
>                 >                 > deploy the serializer as part of a
>                 web service and
>                 >                 and invoke the web 
>                 >                 > service through a SOAP request, I
>                 got the following 
>                 >                 null pointer execption.
>                 >                 > I googled but didn't find the
>                 reason of this. Why
>                 >                 does the NPE occur only 
>                 >                 > when I deploy the binder as part
>                 of the web service? 
>                 >                 I used the same
>                 >                 > SOAPEnvelope to test.
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 > 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 > java.lang.NullPointerException 
>                 >                 >         at
>                 >                 >
>                 >
> (OMStAXWrap
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >         at 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 (
>                 >                 >  11)
>                 >                 >         at
>                 >                 > 
>                 >
> com.mycom.CreditCardPaymentRequestBinder.toObject(
>                 >                 > 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 > The toObject method definition is
>                 as follows: 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >  public CreditCardPaymentRequest
>                 toObject(QName 
>                 >                 qname, XMLStreamReader
>                 >                 > reader) throws XMLStreamException
>                 {
>                 >                 >   CreditCardPaymentRequest obj =
>                 new
>                 >                 CreditCardPaymentRequest(); 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >   String rootElementName =
>                 qname.getLocalPart (); 
>                 >                 >   String uri =
>                 qname.getNamespaceURI();
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >   if(!rootNsUri.equals(uri)) { 
>                 >                 >    throw new
>                 XMLStreamException("Invalid namespace " 
>                 >                 + uri + ". Expected
>                 >                 > namespace uri is " + rootNsUri);
>                 >                 >   } 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >   while(reader.hasNext ()) {
>                 >                 >    int type =; //
>                 Line number: 138
>                 >                 >
>                 >
>                 >    if( XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT == type){
>                 >                 >     String element =
>                 reader.getLocalName ();
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >
>                 if( rootLocalName.equals(element) ) {
>                 >                 >      continue; 
>                 >                 >     } else if( element.equals
>                 ("cardNumber") ){
>                 >                 >      obj.setCardNumber
>                 (reader.getElementText());
>                 >                 >     } else if( element.equals
>                 ("expiryMonth") ) {
>                 >                 >
>                 obj.setExpiryMonth(reader.getElementText());
>                 >                 >     } else
>                 if( element.equals("expiryYear") ) {
>                 >                 >
>                 obj.setExpiryYear(reader.getElementText());
>                 >                 >     } else
>                 if( element.equals("brand") ) {
>                 >
>                 >      obj.setBrand(reader.getElementText());
>                 >                 >     } else
>                 if( element.equals("totalAmount") ) {
>                 >                 >
>                 obj.setTotalAmount(reader.getElementText ());
>                 >                 >     } else
>                 if( element.equals("currency") ) {
>                 >                 >
>                 obj.setCurrency(reader.getElementText());
>                 >                 >     } else
>                 if( element.equals("systemId") ) {
>                 >
>                 >      obj.setSystemId(reader.getElementText ());
>                 >                 >     } else
>                 if( element.equals("referenceNumber") ) {
>                 >                 >
>                 obj.setReferenceNumber(reader.getElementText());
>                 >                 >     } else if( element.equals
>                 ("op") ) {
>                 >                 >
>                 obj.setOp(reader.getElementText ());
>                 >                 >     } else { 
>                 >                 >      throw new
>                 RuntimeException("Unexpected element
>                 >                 " + element);
>                 >                 >     } 
>                 >                 >    }
>                 >                 > 
>                 >
>                 >    if( XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT == type){
>                 >                 >     if(reader.getLocalName
>                 >                 ().equals(rootElementName)){ 
>                 >                 >      break; 
>                 >                 >     }
>                 >                 >    }
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >   }
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >   return obj; 
>                 >                 >  } 
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 >
>                 >                 > Regards,
>                 >                 > 
>                 >                 > Xinjun 
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                 --
>                 >                 Davanum Srinivas ::
>                 >
>                 >
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