
I am trying to write a web service with attachment support.
The method signature is as follows:
String uploadFile(String userID, String fileName) {}
When the client invoke this uploadFile operation, he/she will upload a file
whose file name is "fileName".
The implementation of uploadFile send the client another attachment file,
and send the file name to the client as the response.

As can be seen, the Java class contains no information about the
Using Java2WSDL, how can I generate a WSDL which mentions attachments? Do I
need to change the method signature?

My second question is:
What will be the differences between MTOM and SwA in terms of Web Service
implementation class (the signature) and the WSDL?

Another question about attachment is about interoperability.
From Axis2 user guide, MTOM is much better than SwA. However, MTOM is not
WS-I Basic Profile 1.0 or 1.1 compliant. Will there be any issue if my web
service uses MTOM and the client uses .NET or other non-Axis2 SOAP toolkit?


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