Hi Pavel,

If you can email me (directly) the trace from the exception I'll try to see what's going wrong and get it corrected. If you can also send me your WSDL and binding, along with the generated stub and message receiver, these would probably help.

 - Dennis

Pavel Sharov wrote:
Dennis and others,

I am using Axis2 1.1.1. I've updated my old Axis2 JiBX distribution
'axis2-jibx-1.1.1.jar' with the newest one 'axis2-jibx-1.1.1c.jar'
probably you are talking about in your posting here (downloaded it from
http://www.sosnoski.com/jibx-wiki/space/axis2-jibx). I will not go
deeply into details now - will put my problem briefly, maybe that will
suffice to get a hint on the reason of the problem.
I'm using the WSDL2Java to generate both client and server Java code
from my WSDL and some JiBX bindings. With the previous distribution it's
all ok. However, with the recent update, I am getting a "Namespace not
found" error (which namespace - not specified) in runtime when trying to
marshall/unmarshall. The exception is caused by a call to the
constructor of org.apache.axis2.jibx.JiBXDataSource class, either in my
client stub or in my server message receiver.
I wouldn't like to continue using the old distribution as I see some
important bugs fixed in the new one. Could you please give me any hint
on what is going on? Thank you a lot in advance!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Sosnoski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:30 PM
To: axis-user
Subject: [Axis2] Axis2 1.2 JiBX update

I've updated the axis2-jibx.jar module for the 1.2 release of Axis2 to fix some problems with serialization (discovered while testing my validation module :-[ - see the prior post). The update is available on

the axis2-jibx wiki page:

The same issues are likely causing problems some users have experienced using JiBX with Rampart on the 1.1.1 release. I'll try to backport the fixes to the 1.1.1 code soon.

  - Dennis

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