yesterday i tried again but i cannot really find a way
to use ws-addressing. The code below seems to work, i think im doing
something wrong in the addressing part.
is this

EndpointReference er = new

a correct way to specify the EPR + service name with a tcp client/server?

Yari Marchetti ha scritto:
> thx a lot for the answer.
> i read the document and did how it was told, but i keep getting the same
> error.
> Here is the code snippet i use:
> TCPServer t = new TCPServer(7777,"C:\\axis2"); //axis2.xml  in this
> repository contains <module ref="addressing"/>
> t.start();
> ConfigurationContext cc =
> ConfigurationContextFactory.createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem("C:\\test\\prova",
> "C:\\test\\axis2.xml");//repository with addressing module
> ServiceClient service = new ServiceClient(cc,null);
> service.engageModule("addressing");
> Options o = new Options(); 
> EndpointReference er = new
> EndpointReference("tcp://localhost:777/ConnectionManager");
> o.setTo(er);
> o.setAction("PerformNetworkMonitoring");
> service.setOptions(o);
>  service.sendReceive(payload);
> The service name is ConnectionManager and the operation is
> PerformNetworkMonitoring. Using TCPMon i was able
> to sniff the packet and i can see there is no reference to the service
> name (in the W3C document
> there is a <wsa:ServiceName
> PortName="/xs:NCName/"?>/xs:QName/</wsa:ServiceName> but i cant find a
> way to set it), so i dont
> really know how the service dispatcher could dispatch this request.
> thx for any help
> yari

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