Hi Guys,

The reason I'm writing you is that we are trying to use Axis2 on a project
we have, with the ws-addressing and was wondering if you could help us
understand a problem we are having.

Going short on the problem description, we basically have a very long time
to complete web-service (in the order of several minutes) that we call from
a process. Our idea was to use ws-addressing feature, so that our client
didn't have to maintain an open http connection the all time the service
takes to complete; and could receive the response on the address supplied in
the reply-to header.

The thing is that in a test we made to try this solution, the http
connection is only being closed at the same time the response is sent to the
right supplied reply-to address. Obviously the problem with this is that if
our service takes a long time, the http connection will give timeout and the
process will fail with error, even we set the timeout for a long time that
would mean a performance problem for us.

The doubt is if this is normal behaviour with Axis2, and if there is any way
to make it work as we need:

-  send the 202 accept immediately after the invocation and not at the same
time it also sends the response

By the way, we also tried with JAX-WS-ri and it presents exactly the same
behaviour as Axis2.

Regards and thanks in advance for any help you could provide us,

Pedro Costa.

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