On Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 11:20:32AM +0530, Amila Suriarachchi wrote:
>    This is an ADB problem. I have fixed this in the trunk and did not merge
>    it since it was big change and no one have report this earlier.
>    use  xsd:anyType for your element.
>    use a nightly build from the trunk.

Thanks for your reply.
Do you mean use anyType AND use nightly build of use anyType OR use
nightly build? I've downloaded the nightly build. If I then stick with the
anySimpleType the value interface is still OMElement. If I use anyType the
class changes to java.lang.Object. Now is the question which objects will
be accepted and transformed by axis2? What would i set for value, if i want
to send a GMonth object?

quoting guide: http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanb/documents/quotingguide.html

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