Does your generated deploy.wsdd give you any clues?

I have exceptions working with doc/lit wrapped. The typeMapping in my wsdd
file maps MyOwnExceptions to a type (an autogenerated Exception class).
Initially,  I had some problems in my namespace mapping, but I'm not sure I
have enough info to help with your problem.

> I have a webservice running under Axis 1.4. One Operation can throw an
> exception created by my own (MyOwnException):
>         <operation ...
>                 <fault name="MyOwnException" ...
> But if server side throws this exception (can see this exception is
> bundled fine into one soap fault), not a MyOwnException is thrown.
> Instead of this a RemoteException (AxisFault) is thrown, which has
> MyOwnException as faultDetail field. But i dont want to parse
> this field with a XMLParser. But at the moment i had to :((
> Can anyone help me with this ? Its making me crazy ...
> thx
> Daniel Kuschow

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